Lampros Papadopoulos, Independent Non-Executive Member

Lambros Papadopoulos commenced his career in 1993 with Ernst & Young in London and for the next five years worked in the Audit (Media & Resources) and Corporate Finance (Business Valuations) Divisions. From 1998 to 2012 worked with Citigroup (London) as Head of Greece / Cyprus Equity Research and Head of Continental European Small and Mid-Caps (in the period 2011-2012). Since 2006 held the position of Managing Director and was also a member of the Equity Research Operating Committee. Served as Non-Executive on the Interim Board of Directors of Bank of Cyprus in 2013 and chaired the Audit Committee. Was Non-Executive Member of the Board of Directors of Euroxx Securities SA from October 2013 to June 2015. In July 2015 was appointed as a Non-Executive Member of the Board of Directors of Hellenic Bank, and since September 2015 is the Chairman of the Audit Committee and Member of the Remuneration Committee. Since 2013 works as a Financial Advisor to the private sector.
Lambros graduated from the Lanitio Lyceum B’ in Limassol and studied Accounting with Computing (B.A.(Hons)) at the University of Kent at Canterbury in the United Kingdom. He is a Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales since 1996.